People Turning to Wash & Fold Laundry Service

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People Turning to Wash & Fold Laundry Service

Just how long does it take to do laundry? There are many factors to consider—type of machine, length of cycle, and use of any special wash cycles just to name a few.  You can add to that the time challenges presented by scheduling conflicts, distractions, and more.

Every now and then you will stumble across a well-meaning website or laundry expert who will propose the ideal schedule for completing family laundry. The challenge? In the ideal world, laundry loads must be wash, dried, folded, and put away every day of the week lest laundry become the dominating task for one or two days of the week. That’s one to two days doing what one online writer dubbed, “The World’s Most Boring Task.”

And we haven’t even touched upon the actual task of doing your laundry—and doing it well. recently ran an article in which they analyzed, “12 Laundry Mistakes You’re Probably Making.” Just a few of those are furiously rubbing at stains, using too much detergent, filling the washing machine incorrectly, and the dreaded washing-a-dry-clean-only-item mistake. (We’ve all done that last one!)

There was a time when having your laundry done for you would be considered a true luxury. Yes, we all know we can drop dry cleaning off and let the experts handle it. But, why are we reluctant to let the experts wash, dry, and fold our general laundry as well? From sorting and stain removal to washing and folding, Oceanside Cleaners can not only take this everyday task off your “to do” list, but do it so well that you will wonder how you ever did laundry all by yourself! (Okay, it will be difficult to actually forget that lifelong chore.) But with free pickup and delivery added to the mix, it’s a wonderful, high-quality service that will help you streamline your household tasks, giving you more time to do what you really want to be doing!