Green Dry Cleaning in Jacksonville

Oceanside Cleaners Blog - Green Dry Cleaning Jacksonville

Green Dry Cleaning in Jacksonville

Does it really matter whether the Jacksonville dry cleaner you choose is environmentally friendly?


A great Jacksonville dry cleaner is a “green” Jacksonville dry cleaner.

At Oceanside, we’re known for providing exceptional dry cleaning services to residents of Jacksonville and the beaches. But did you know that our high standards of service extend to the health and well being of our customers and the health of the environment?

As a Green Council-certified Jacksonville dry cleaner—we are committed to helping our community (and the world) become more eco-friendly. Here are some of the ways we are contributing to that effort:

  • Green Products: We use organic, earth-friendly solvents, which clean just as effectively as traditional solvents—without polluting the environment or exposing customers to harsh, toxic chemicals. Green solvents aren’t just safer for people and the earth; they’re also gentler on garments.
  • Investment in Technology: We have installed state-of-the-art equipment at our 8,000 square foot Jacksonville facility. We employ cleaning processes that are earth-friendly—and guaranteed to extend the life of your garments.
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
    • Hanger recycling: Using our Hanger Valet Box, customers simply set out used hangers for collection by our drivers.
    • Modern tracking: Our barcode system for tracking customer items eliminates the waste of paper tickets and staples.
    • Biodegradable garment bags: Unlike the traditional garment bags used by most Jacksonville dry cleaners, our earth-friendly bags won’t add to landfills.
  • Energy Conservation:
    • In managing our free pickup and delivery services, we optimize our fuel and resources by carefully planning the most efficient delivery routes.
    • We’ve installed motion-detecting lighting sensors at our Ponte Vedra and Jacksonville dry cleaner locations. That means our lights are only on when they’re needed.

Remember, when you choose a “green” Jacksonville dry cleaner, you’re choosing better health for your family, your community, and the environment.