Getting Yourself and Your Home Ready for the Holidays

It’s never too early to start prepping for the holidays. Preparation now will lessen the almost unavoidable avalanche of “to-do’s” leading up to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s and other cherished celebrations. We may be entering “the most wonderful time of the year,” but Harvard researchers say that 62 percent of us have elevated levels of stress just thinking about it!

One of our greatest joys at Oceanside Cleaners is to lessen the stress our customers feel leading up to the end-of-year holidays. Our focus is on cleaning tips where we can be of help. The key is to start early. Here are six essentials you can act on ahead of the holiday rush…

  1. Tablecloths and napkins. Nothing says holiday charm like family favorite holiday tablecloths and napkins (or placemats and runners). Whether handed down or a new family tradition, they’ve likely sat for a year in a drawer or closet. Check them now for stains and let us help clean them. We can handle even the most delicate fabrics and appliques.
  2. Holiday sweaters and garments. Just about everyone has a traditional piece of holiday clothing. Likely those sweaters, vests, skirts and dresses have been sitting in a drawer or hanging in a closet, maybe with an untreated gravy stain! Careful drycleaning and expert stain removal can do wonders. Don’t wait till the last minute to tend to these special clothes.
  3. Comforters and bedding. Bouncing back from the pandemic, an amazing half of all Americans are planning to travel during the holidays! If you’re expecting friends or relatives who will stay with you, treat them to fresh linens, pillowcases, comforters, bedspreads, blankets and towels that recently have been drycleaned to remove wrinkles and storage odors. It’s a real treat to experience our deluxe sheet service (try it for yourself, too). Your sheets are cleaned, sanitized, hand pressed, folded and wrapped in a luxury package.
  4. Everyday outerwear. In most parts of the country, the weather is getting chilly. Now is the time to pull out winter outerwear, sweaters, vests, and warmer fabrics. As you pull out these garments, remember that professional cleaning protects colors, reduces pilling and maintains shape and size. Note that wool in particular requires special cleaning.
  5. Special stain removal. In the event of a mishap, dry cleaning can attack common holiday stains from chocolate, candle wax, wine, cranberries and lipstick. Professional cleaners have the solvents and techniques to remove stains without harming fabrics, so remember to take things in stride.
  6. Emergency cleaning kit. Our last tip involves triage. When a stain disaster occurs during the holidays, you’ll need to stabilize it until you can get professional cleaning help. Have a special cleaning kit ready and include common stain fighters like white vinegar, Dawn dish soap, disinfecting wipes, cleaning cloths and stain sticks.

With attention to these details now, you’ll set yourself up to get a jump on the dozens of other holiday chores on your list. Every step now that lessens stress will make more room for joy and excitement. Happy Holidays! And remember, at Oceanside Cleaners, we offer free pick-up and delivery.